Recent Publications


Sergienko, Olga. “Treatment of the Ice-Shelf Backpressure and Buttressing in Two Horizontal Dimensions.” Journal of Glaciology (2024): 1–40.
Sergienko, Olga, and Duncan Wingham. “Diverse Behaviors of Marine Ice Sheets in Response to Temporal Variability of the Atmospheric and Basal Conditions.” Journal of Glaciology (2024): 1–30.
MacGregor, Joseph A. et al. “Geologic Provinces Beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet Constrained by Geophysical Data Synthesis.” Geophysical Research Letters 51 (2024): e2023GL107357.
Abstract Present understanding of Greenland s subglacial geology is derived mostly from interpolation of geologic mapping of its ice-free margins and unconstrained by geophysical data. Here we refine the extent of its geologic provinces by synthesizing geophysical constraints on subglacial geology from seismic, gravity, magnetic and topographic data. North of 72°N, no province clearly extends across the whole island, leaving three distinct subglacial regions yet to be reconciled with margin geology. Geophysically coherent anomalies and apparent province boundaries are adjacent to the onset of faster ice flow at both Petermann Glacier and the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream. Separately, based on their subaerial expression, dozens of unusually long, straight and sub-parallel subglacial valleys cross Greenland s interior and are not yet resolved by current syntheses of its subglacial topography.


Huth, Alex et al. “Simulating the Processes Controlling Ice-Shelf Rift Paths Using Damage Mechanics.” Journal of Glaciology (2023): 1–14.

Rifts are full-thickness fractures that propagate laterally across an ice shelf. They cause ice-shelf weakening and calving of tabular icebergs, and control the initial size of calved icebergs. Here, we present a joint inverse and forward computational modeling framework to capture rifting by combining the vertically integrated momentum balance and anisotropic continuum damage mechanics formulations. We incorporate rift–flank boundary processes to investigate how the rift path is influenced by the pressure on rift–flank walls from seawater, contact between flanks, and ice mélange that may also transmit stress between flanks. To illustrate the viability of the framework, we simulate the final 2 years of rift propagation associated with the calving of tabular iceberg A68 in 2017. We find that the rift path can change with varying ice mélange conditions and the extent of contact between rift flanks. Combinations of parameters associated with slower rift widening rates yield simulated rift paths that best match observations. Our modeling framework lays the foundation for robust simulation of rifting and tabular calving processes, which can enable future studies on ice-sheet–climate interactions, and the effects of ice-shelf buttressing on land ice flow.

Investigations of the time-dependent behavior of marine ice sheets and their sensitivity to basal conditions require numerical models because existing theoretical analyses focus only on steady-state configurations primarily with a power-law basal shear stress. Numerical results indicate that the choice of the sliding law strongly affects ice-sheet dynamic behavior. Although observed or simulated grounding-line retreat is typically interpreted as an indication of marine ice sheet instability introduced by Weertman (1974), this (in)stability is a characteristic of the ice sheet s steady states –not time-variant behavior. To bridge the gap between theoretical and numerical results, we develop a framework to investigate grounding line dynamics with generalized basal and lateral stresses (i.e. the functional dependencies are not specified). Motivated by observations of internal variability of the Southern Ocean conditions we explore the grounding-line response to stochastic variability. We find that adding stochastic variability to submarine melt rates that produced stable steady-state configurations leads to intermittently advancing and retreating grounding lines. They can also retreat in an unstoppable manner on time-scales significantly longer than the stochastic correlation time-scales. These results suggest that at any given time of their evolution, the transient behavior of marine ice sheets cannot be described in terms of stable or unstable .


Huth, Alex et al. “Ocean Currents Break up a Tabular Iceberg.” Science Advances 8.42 (2022): eabq6974.
In December 2020, giant tabular iceberg A68a (surface area 3900 km2) broke up in open ocean much deeper than its keel, indicating that the breakage was not immediately caused by collision with the seafloor. Giant icebergs with lengths exceeding 18.5 km account for most of the calved ice mass from the Antarctic Ice Sheet. Upon calving, they drift away and transport freshwater into the Southern Ocean, modifying ocean circulation, disrupting sea ice and the marine biosphere, and potentially triggering changes in climate. Here, we demonstrate that the A68a breakup event may have been triggered by ocean-current shear, a new breakup mechanism not previously reported. We also introduce methods to represent giant icebergs within climate models that currently do not have any representation of them. These methods open opportunities to explore the interactions between icebergs and other components of the climate system and will improve the fidelity of global climate simulations. A mechanism of iceberg breakup is revealed by simulations.
Harrison, M. et al. “Improved Surface Mass Balance Closure in Ocean Hindcast Simulations.” Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (2022): n. pag.
Haseloff, M., and Sergienko O. “Effects of Calving and Submarine Melting on Steady States and Stability of Buttressed Marine Ice Sheets.” Journal of Glaciology (2022): n. pag.
Coffey, Niall B. et al. “Enigmatic Surface Rolls of the Ellesmere Ice Shelf.” Journal of Glaciology (2022): n. pag.
Huth, A., A. Adcroft, and Sergienko O. “Parameterizing Tabular-Iceberg Decay in an Ocean Model.” Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (2022): n. pag.
Sergienko, O. V. “Marine Outlet Glacier Dynamics, Steady States and Steady-State Stability.” Journal of Glaciology (2022): 1–15.
Sergienko, Olga V., and Duncan J. Wingham. “Bed Topography and Marine Ice-Sheet Stability.” Journal of Glaciology 68 (2022): 124–138.


Damsgaard, A., O. Sergienko, and A. Adcroft. “The Effects of Ice Floe-Floe Interactions on Pressure Ridging in Sea Ice.” Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 13.7 (2021): e2020MS002336.
Abstract The mechanical interactions between ice floes in the polar sea-ice packs play an important role in the state and predictability of the sea-ice cover. We use a Lagrangian-based numerical model to investigate such floe-floe interactions. Our simulations show that elastic and reversible deformation offers significant resistance to compression before ice floes yield with brittle failure. Compressional strength dramatically decreases once pressure ridges start to form, which implies that thicker sea ice is not necessarily stronger than thinner ice. The mechanical transition is not accounted for in most current sea-ice models that describe ice strength by thickness alone. We propose a parameterization that describes failure mechanics from fracture toughness and Coulomb sliding, improving the representation of ridge building dynamics in particle-based and continuum sea-ice models.
MacAyeal, Douglas R. et al. “Treatment of Ice-Shelf Evolution Combining Flow and Flexure.” Journal of Glaciology 67 (2021): 885–902.


Sergienko, O. V., and D. J. Wingham. “Grounding Line Stability in a Regime of Low Driving and Basal Stresses.” Journal of Glaciology 65.253 (2019): 833–849.
Stern, A. A., A. Adcroft, and O. Sergienko. “Modeling Ice Shelf Cavities and Tabular Icebergs Using Lagrangian Elements.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 124.5 (2019): 3378–3392.
Abstract Most ocean climate models do not represent ice shelf calving in a physically realistic way, even though the calving of icebergs is a major component of the mass balance for Antarctic ice shelves. The infrequency of large calving events together with the difficulty of placing observational instruments around icebergs means that little is known about how calving icebergs affect the ocean. In this study we present a novel model of an ice shelf coupled to an ocean circulation model, where the ice shelf is constructed of Lagrangian elements that allow simulation of iceberg calving. The Lagrangian ice shelf model is used to simulate the flow beneath a static idealized ice shelf, to verify that it can reproduce the results of an existing Eulerian model simulation with an identical configuration. The Lagrangian model is then used to simulate the ocean's response to a calved iceberg drifting away from the ice shelf. The results show how a calving event and subsequent iceberg drift affect the ocean. At the ice front, the calving event leads to a warming of the ocean surface and cooling of the water column at depth, allowing cooler waters to enter the ice shelf cavity, leading to reduced melt rates within the cavity. A Taylor column is observed below the iceberg, which moves with the iceberg as it drifts into the open ocean. As the iceberg drifts further from the ice shelf, the circulation within the ice shelf cavity tends toward a new steady state, consistent with the new ice shelf geometry.


Haseloff, M., and O. Sergienko. “The Effect of Buttressing on Grounding Line Dynamics.” Journal of Glaciology 64.245 (2018): 417–431.
Fyke, J. et al. “An Overview of Interactions and Feedbacks Between Ice Sheets and the Earth System.” Reviews of Geophysics 56.2 (2018): 361–408.
Bronselaer, B. et al. “Change in Future Climate Due to Antarctic Meltwater.” Nature 564.7734 (2018): n. pag.
Damsgaard, A., A. Adcroft, and O. Sergienko. “Application of Discrete Element Methods to Approximate Sea Ice Dynamics.” Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 10.9 (2018): 2228–2244.


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